Urban Strife December 2023 DevBlog

Experiments with the zombie virus!

We have been experimenting with a faster effect of the zombie attacks – direct turning during combat or shortly after. The results need some tuning but they certainly add an interesting twist to any battle versus the undead. Here’s a capture of a […]

Urban Strife December 2023 DevBlog2023-12-23T18:30:50+00:00

Urban Strife August 2023 DevBlog


Long time no see. It has been a long hot summer and a busy one. We had planned initially to release the game in July, but by the time Q2 ended it became obvious the game was not where we wanted it to be and we’ll be releasing […]

Urban Strife August 2023 DevBlog2023-08-04T20:30:46+00:00

Urban Strife – Summer 2022 Dev Update

Main Campaign – Tier 1

So, what can you expect in Tier 1? Without giving out too many spoilers, you’ll get to rescue your master mechanic, Reginald Owen, from the highway Gas Station where he tried to start his own fake Second Chance church only to become a […]

Urban Strife – Summer 2022 Dev Update2023-04-19T09:12:37+00:00

Urban Strife – October 2020 Development Update


After the big announcement of our partnership with MicroProse and all the buzz in the media, yesterday we saw Urban Strife enter Steam Top Wishlists! And we want to extend you all a big THANK YOU! But there is still a lot more work to be done, so distractions aside, […]

Urban Strife – October 2020 Development Update2020-11-06T10:26:03+00:00
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